THE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF JAZZ – SAN DIEGO (or IAJSD) is starting its seventh year providing its top-tiered jazz music after-school program to San Diego’s jazz band students. Artistic Director and two-time Jazz Grammy award winner, Kamau Kenyatta, leads the team of instructors and will also be teaching. Fall classes will be ONLINE and are starting now, and open enrollment will continue through the remainder of September. This new online curriculum studies the elements of harmony, theory and ear-training, all geared for the young music students who loves jazz. IAJSD is also launching its first ever Adult classes, which are a version of the award-winning jazz-for-kids program only tempered for adults. Each adult class is twelve weeks in length and enrollment for the adult classes is open now. Call (619) 997-7453 for more information or visit IAJSD.org.