February 13, 2015

This Is Jazz 2015 Kicks Off With International Songs Of Love on Valentines Day in Carlsbad

Blog Name:Jazz 88.3 Blog

Blog Author:Vince Outlaw

Posted on:February 13, 2015

This is Jazz! 2015, a partnership between the City of Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office and San Diego's Jazz 88.3, kick off the 2015 series with "International Songs of Love" with vocalist Allison Adams Tucker and Jazz 88.3 Monday Evening Jazz host Jeff Dalrymple ever-so appropriately on Valentines Day, Saturday, Februrary 14, 2015 at 4PM in Carlsbad City Library's Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. 

This first in a series of 4 programs is on Valentine’s Day and spotlights love songs from around the world.  Allison Adams Tucker brings her jazz quartet to the library and Jazz 88 radio host Jeff Dalrymple narrates.  Listen as Allison sings songs from the different stages of love!  Early love, fickle love, being in love, breakup love!  Allison has chosen some great standards, some contemporary songs and all will get the full jazz treatment.  Also, since she sings in many languages, we will find out about love songs from other countries and cultures.

READ THE FULL ARTICLE for additional info on times, location, the full This Is Jazz! 2015 series, and your chance to COMMENT ABOUT THE EVENTS!