Jazz 88.3 Summertime Events

Blog Name:Jazz 88.3 Blog

Blog Author:Deleted Contact

Posted on:October 8, 2012

Beyond Big Bird

Blog Name:Riffs on Radio

Blog Author:Deleted Contact

Posted on:October 4, 2012

Last night, Candidate Romney had no trouble at all promising to eliminate all Federal funding for public broadcasting.  He didn't even blink as he looked at the debate moderator, whose paycheck comes from a public entity.    Here's a link Big Bird Himself to the television side's response to Romney's comments.  But this post is not intended to be political.  I'm not trying to direct votes.

Read full article at: Beyond Big Bird

Incorrect Album Covers Provided by Amazon.com

Blog Name:Jazz 88.3 Website Development

Blog Author:Lev Shamil0v

Posted on:September 5, 2012

Here at Jazz88.3 we have implemented a very nice technology created and provided by Amazon.com - the ability to search and extract the album cover images of every album played on our radio station, so that we could display them on our website. It works great, when it works. Unfortunately, sometimes people make mistakes. Of course, I'm not talking about us! I'm talking about those people who actually submit those images to Amazon.

The submission process to Amazon is typically done by the recording company, who produces the albums, but lately it has become possible for the musicians to produce their own albums by themselves. Now-days every musician can record his or her music in a rented studio and then print a small batch of CD's keeping all the profit to him/herself, without sharing it with those greedy label companies.

Why Supporting the Arts is Important

Blog Name:Riffs on Radio

Blog Author:Deleted Contact

Posted on:September 5, 2012

One of the pillars of our mission, at San Diego's Jazz 88.3, the support of the Arts.  Not just Jazz and Blues.  In fact, not even "just" music.  We see our role as an important vehicle for information about all the arts; as enjoyed through theatre, museums, performance and exhibition.  There is a perception  that the arts are, well, stuffy.  Or high-browed.  Or unimportant in today's world. 

Well, as it turns out, everyone knew that the arts are fun.  The art critic from the Guardian in the UK is merely verbalizing something that we've all known,  at least subconsciously, all our lives.  We listen to music because it's fun.  It makes us feel good.  Sometimes it makes us want to dance.  Or cry.  Or sing along.  Music is part of our soul. Music makes our bodies fluid, our hearts light.

We Love Our Radio in San Diego

Blog Name:Riffs on Radio

Blog Author:Deleted Contact

Posted on:August 29, 2012

I don't mean to give away professional secrets, but San Diego radio stations get together periodically to ascertain the "State of the Radio Business" in the market.  It's not like we're conspiring, or anything, but we just talk about Best Practices and stuff.  The organization has undertaken a formal study of the perception of the radio business, through the point of view of some large, local advertisers.

[SIDENOTE:  Of course, Jazz 88.3 does not carry advertising, but we do seek and enjoy the financial support of local businesses who appreciate the value of the service we provide. From that standpoint, the thoughts of the "advertising community" are important to us, too.  We are, after all, players.]

Anyway, without sounding like we're patting ourselves on the back, at least according to these advertisers, Radio, as a medium, is doing just fine, thankyouverymuch!  With the advent of mp3 players, streaming music services, and "Internet radio," the profession has struggled with the fear that radio, as we have all grown up, knowing it, is going the way of the newspaper.  Well, if these advertisers are any indication of the public' perception  at large, that's just not the case.  One advertiser said, "The listener relationship with radio is the strongest of any medium."  Another one said, “The connection with the listener differentiates it.” Finally, probably my favorite quote is, “Listeners are passionate about radio.”

Read full article at: We Love Our Radio in San Diego

What's in a Brand?

Blog Name:Riffs on Radio

Blog Author:Deleted Contact

Posted on:August 22, 2012

Everywhere you hear, people are talking about "branding."  Advertising agencies have become "branding specialists."  Low-end celebs work very hard to create their own "brand," which is just another word for reputation.  Even nonprofits, like public radio stations, are paying attention to the presentation of their "brand."  Brands

John Burke, in his Nonprofit Branding blog, says, "Implementing a mission that benefits society is probably not enough. Your nonprofit must commit all employees, all volunteers, all directors and all actions to the branding process. Your brand is shaped incrementally and always – shaped by every interaction, shaped by the way your phone is answered, the way your office is maintained, and by the grammar in your emails."  

 So what about a logo?  Why all the fuss about logos? Why is a recognizable logo important to a retail product?  A well known logo is intended to re-create the feeling of the brand in the mind of the consumer.  When you see that pink and orange logo, you're supposed to smell coffee and taste sugary-sweet fried dough.  Wearing the Nike swoosh means you are a real athlete.  The design of the logo is neither here nor there, as long as the effect on the audience's brain is there.

Read full article at: What's in a Brand?

Hope for the Art Form

Blog Name:Jazz 88.3 Blog

Blog Author:

Posted on:August 13, 2012

An interesting partnership this summer between a music venue and a private school has resulted in a summer jazz program for tween and teen jazz musicians.

Howard Berkson, owner of the food and music club Anthology here in San Diego, got the idea last year for a jazz institute and, with the help of San Diego trumpeter and educator Derek Cannon, put together a great music faculty, outlined a curriculum and set up a whole jazz program. Local top-shelf musicians were enlisted as the teaching staff, most or all of whom are music educators as well. I’m talking about — in addition to Cannon — Mike Holguin, Justin and Melonie Grinnell, Danny Green, Steve and Ella Steinberg, Andy Geib and Tommy Collins. In addition to these instrumentalists, Melonie Grinnell and Leonard Patton took charge of the two jazz singing groups.
Read full article at: Hope for the Art Form

Mark Winkler Jazz Live San Diego Interview Tuesday July 10 2012

Blog Name:Jazz Live

Blog Author:Vince Outlaw

Posted on:July 14, 2012

Mark Winkler chats with Vince Outlaw before his performance at Jazz Live San Diego on Jazz 88.3 KSDS San Diego Tuesday, July 10, 2012. You can also hear the audio version of this on the Jazz 88 Jazz Live show page. 

Our Music Director, Joe Kocherhans, will be in Europe!

Blog Name:Jazz 88.3 Blog

Blog Author:Deleted Contact

Posted on:May 7, 2012

Attention to all our European fans and listeners! Our music director, Joe Kocherhans, will be across the pond during the month of May and may be near you. If youre interested in a meet n greet sort of thing, hell be in these towns during the following dates:

May 9 - 13: Dubrovnik, Croatia
May 14-16: Split, Croatia
May 17-19: Bruges, Belgium
May 20-22: Brussels, Belgium
May 23-25: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
May 26-27: Sligo, Ireland
May 28: Donegal, Ireland
May 29-30: Dunfanaghy, Ireland
May 31: Belfast, Northern Ireland
June 1: Dublin, Ireland

Shoot him an email at joek at jazz88 dot org if youre interested in meeting up with him!

Next Week on Barry Farrar's Percussive Profiles - Bernard "Pretty" Purdie!

Blog Name:Jazz 88.3 Blog

Blog Author:Deleted Contact

Posted on:March 27, 2012

Next week, April 3rd on Barry Farrar's Percussive Profiles at 10pm PT, legendary drummer Bernard "Pretty" Purdie will be live in the studio for an exclusive interview. You do not want to miss this!