KSDS Celebrates Black History Month in 2019

KSDS Celebrates Black History Month in 2019

Blog Name:Home Page News

Blog Author:San Diego's Jazz 88.3

Posted on:January 31, 2019

Jazz 88.3 will honor Black History month by highlighting how African-Americans have created and advanced the art form of Jazz. Each year KSDS chooses a significant aspect of African-American culture and this year’s focus is the Golden Age of Kansas City Jazz. From Bennie Moten to Charlie "Bird" Parker Kansas City helped spawn many of the greatest jazz musicians of all time. Listen every weekday, all month long, for a different historical aspect of Kansas City Jazz. The segments can also be visualized at Jazz88.org.  A look at Kansas City's history every weekday during Black History Month, only on KSDS, Jazz 88.3. Click here to read all the segments.
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Chengdufus:2/22/2019 10:41:06 AM
Why no publicity here on the documentary screening tonight on campus?