Jazz Live Photos of 2012

Jazz Live Photos of 2012

Blog Name:Jazz 88.3 Blog

Blog Author:San Diego's Jazz 88.3

Posted on:November 13, 2012

Here's some photos of the past Jazz Live performances for 2012. Lots more after the jump!

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San Diego's Jazz 88.3:11/21/2012 10:38:06 AM
Thanks Paul, we will pass this on to the one and only Ms. Garcia...Have a great holiday season!
Paul McDonald:11/18/2012 12:34:05 PM
Ida Garcia, you ARE the one. Born in '39, I grew up with the music you play. The big old radio was on all day Saturday, & the family listened to "The Swing Club," from noon to 6PM, followed by "Your Hit Parade." I listen to KSDS via my Mac & external speakers. I do not Twitter, Tweet or Face, BTW. Keep the music coming, KSDS - you're a treasure!!