Donate Used Vehicles

Donate Used Vehicles

Blog Name:Home Page News

Blog Author:San Diego's Jazz 88.3

Posted on:February 28, 2012

Donate for details! your pre-owned vehicle to Jazz 88.3 because it's the best result from a kind act AND it is truly one of the most reliable revenue sources we have. Call 1-888- JAZZ-CAR (1-888-529-9227). 

 Also, you may get a TAX  DEDUCTION (check with your tax accountant)! Seriously, you can donate a vehicle (Car, RV, Boat) almost anywhere but if you donate your car to Jazz 88.3 we will be truly and unquestionably be grateful and appreciative! It's easy, quick, and you'll be supporting your favorite Jazz and Blues radio station! Plus, we now have a new referral system called 'Miles to the Dial.' Simply mention the person who referred you to the program and if you donate a vehicle he/she will get a KSDS membership (or a 1 year extension) plus a jazzy gift. Who knows, maybe one day that person will be you?! Click here for details! 

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Miff Mole:4/15/2012 3:48:44 PM
This is a great program.