Creative Music May 22, 2014 10pm - Midnight

Creative Music May 22, 2014 10pm - Midnight

Blog Name:Progressive Nights

Blog Author:Miff Mole

Posted on:May 22, 2014

Tonight's program shamelessly pandering to the broadest demographic of Jazzheads if they are free wheeling modernists unconcerned by implications of structure and/or the suggestion of reconstructed textures vis-a-vis oblique voicings. It's a three day weekend where we should be more thankful than Thanksgiving. Game On!
  • I felt like the first hour should have been enjoyable if one is anywhere near the above rhetorical description.
  • Sun Ra was born 100 years ago, hence the spotlight tonight. I just call it Sun Ra Day. It could be any day of the year. It will always be special. Besides, I don't want to get into it about the Saturn thing.
  • So many angles to Jazz. Swangin'!
Thanks for listening.
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