City College Update

City College Update

Blog Name:City College Update

Blog Author:San Diego's Jazz 88.3

Posted on:September 1, 2017

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Linda:8/2/2019 9:59:25 AM
I recently learned the inspirational story about th largely forgotten jazz great, Hazel Scott. Wow! What an amazing talent and courageous African American woman. We need to honor her today as she spoke out for justice and paid a high price. These times are full of ugliness and vitriol being spewed from our nation's capital just as the HUAC hearings were used to attack artists and musicians who dared to exercise their civil and free speech righs. Please tell her story and share her music. There are many listeners who would be inspired and she is do this from America that succeeded in ending her career. Thank you
Ron J:9/8/2018 10:39:40 AM
I am a fan of classic jazz, love your music and was considering signing up until I heard Pat Launer’s highly offensive “review” this morning. Her comments were replete with false, partisan and hateful political innuendo. Music lovers don’t need to be subjected to Ms. Launer’s biased political views. Ms. Launer made it very clear that Republicans and supporters of the President are not welcome to be part of the Jazz 88.3 family.