The mission of KSDS-FM is to present, preserve and promote Jazz. KSDS's educational outreach is a critical part of our mission. The key of Jazz88.3’s 4E Initiative is to #Educate, #Enable, #Engage and #Excite. We do this through programs and events throughout the year to nurture young students and musicians in the community.
- Special Jazz Programming - local and nationally-syndicated.
- HD-2 SDS (Student Delivered Sound) - City College’s student-run radio station that works with the KSDS staff.
- Jazz, an American Art Form - music lecture series for school kids.
- Music Matters - a used-instrument drive that puts instruments in the hands of school kids who would otherwise not get the chance to play.
- The Young Lions, The Mission Bay Preservationists and the SCPA Jazz Ensemble - protégés and students of Gilbert Castellanos, JP Balmat (Mission Bay High School) and The School of Creative and Performing Arts, respectively, that play at KSDS events.
- Jazz Live - KSDS’s monthly Jazz series that brings world-class talent to San Diego each month.
- KSDS Jazz Orchestra - led by Trumpeter and Educator Gilbert Castellanos.
- Jazz Caravan - a club to club event for our listeners to sample SD’s finest musicians.
- The KSDS intern Experience - gives students hands-on experience in the development, marketing and production aspects of the KSDS radio station.